My Wacom Intuos Pro: one of my favorite tools in the studio
My mom has inspired me and influenced my artistic direction with a variety of gifts throughout my life. She often tells me that when she saw how much I loved to draw as a child, she started putting all sorts of materials in my hands, from pencils to markers and paints.
My mom has given me two Wacom tablets over the course of my art career and they have been indispensable tools in my studio. In 2004, she gave me my first graphics tablet as a birthday gift after I graduated from college. It was an Intuos II in purple. I carried it to my first job as a graphic artist when the small company that I worked for could not afford to buy one for me. She also gave me my second tablet a few years ago as a Christmas gift, just a year before I started my own business to sell my art and graphics.
My Wacom Intuos Pro is a graphics tablet that lets me draw on the computer in the same way that I would draw on a paper. As a leftie, I can use my dominant hand to interact with my graphics software - which I think makes me faster and more creative. I draw and paint on the computer. I use it to create layouts in design software and to browse the internet as if I am drawing a sketch. I am fast, intuitive, and efficient on my graphics tablet.
My computer is one of my favorite tools to use when I want to send my art out into the world. But I also think that my computer helps me channel my creativity and sends my art in a more purposeful direction. It helps me sort out my thoughts, mock up compositions for clients, and it runs the graphics software that I use to create the images in my fingers.